Sunday, February 2, 2014

Multimedia and its Social and Ethical Issues

When we talk about social and ethical issues related to multimedia systems, the two most defining problems are the exclusivity of the copyright clause and a computer user's appropriate use of the internet.

Copyright refers to the legal protection for people who express ideas and information in a variety of forms. The most common forms resemble the data types that are used in multimedia system: writing, visual images, music and moving images. Computer software is also protected by copyright laws. It is important that when you use data that is not your own it is acknowledged correctly and the author recognised and/or compensated.

Here is a simple guideline as to what can be done with copyrighted works:

Appropriate use of the Internet is an issue of concern throughout society and many organizations monitor online activity users and have guidelines that users are expected to follow. Now that multimedia content is so readily available online, there is even more unease about whether people are being responsible while, for example, at work or school. Many organizations, therefore, have guidelines regarding, for example, the creation, transmission, downloading of any offensive or obscene material.

The typical user has access to almost anything in the internet. A kid as young as four years old could take his self-discovery into a whole new and malicious level. There have been numerous instances of users to upload sexual content and other forms like this. Utmost internet monitoring is the solution here.

Some may abuse the power of voicing out opinions and proclaiming the latest happenings in their lives. Social media, like Facebook and Twitter, depends on user-input. But some have gone overboard in posting status updates like they own your news feed.

The internet is a free place but there must be limitations on the disclosure of probably not-so significant information in one's life.



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