Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Importance of becoming computer literate and computer competent

In this ever changing fast-pacing world we live in, a person would be called nonexistent in a few years' time if he has no traces in the digital spectrum. Of course, being computer literate starts once a man finds interest in it, regardless of age and status. My parents, for example, are embracing the magnificence of the new technology even when they only know the basics. No one is exempted from not learning how to operate a computer. In this digital age, one is left behind and will be missing out on lots of opportunities if he is afraid of exploring a 'complicated' device of softwares and viruses.


A computer literate and competent individual means he has sufficient knowledge about the patterns of a computer. He is familiar in writing documents, presentations, spreadsheets, and the like. He has several accounts made in the social media world with creative usernames and numbers in them. He is aware that downloading free stuff on the internet over torrent or whatsoever is illegal and is called stealing in layman's term. He makes sure to log out his personal account when in a public computer because hacking is a dirty business to face. He also resists clicking on popping messages that congratulate him for being the 70,093,260th visitor and therefore wins the Empire State Building.

Knowing all these and more entails one to be computer literate and competent in using it as almost everything we encounter everyday is produced with a computer. A person who is computer literate has a large advantage over somebody who isn't. More job opportunities will be open for this person, thus promoting him from whatever career path he may have gone to. There will be no excuses not to communicate to another and be informed in the latest happenings because it is just literally a few clicks away. We may not know how to assemble a computer per se but what is important is to learn the twists and turns in a device such as a computer.

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